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Reform America, Inc.

Activate Your Campus

The best way for you to make a difference in our democracy is to get your friends and fellow students involved in the process, as well as use the capabilities of https://advanced-writer.com/ to provide the audience with useful materials. Do you want to activate your campus? Host debates? Start a college branch of Reform America? Bring third party representatives into your classrooms? Introduce Internet voting to elect your student government? Experiment with Instant Runoff Voting on your campus? You can do all this by becoming a Reform America, Inc. Campus Coordinator.

Most colleges and universities require you to simply sign up 10 to 20 members and file a club constitution to form a club. Visit your Student Activities Office for exact procedures. Fill out the form below, and we will send a sample constitution directly to you.

Become a campus coordinator, and we will work with you to organize events, schedule speakers, implement Internet voting, and much more!

Activate Your Campus! Activate America!

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Reform America, Inc.

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